Day2 ElasticSearch: Java Query API
2 min readJan 19, 2019
Today I am going to try the query library for Elastic Search.
I think it is a easy part than environment setting.
Create a Client
client = new PreBuiltTransportClient(
.builder().put("client.transport.sniff", false)
.addTransportAddress(new TransportAddress(InetAddress.getByName("localhost"), 9300));
Generate a dummy data
private void setupNaiveData() throws Exception {
XContentBuilder builderObject1 = getExampleObject("Mark", "15");
XContentBuilder builderObject2 = getExampleObject("Mark", "35");
client.prepareIndex("member", "Doe")
client.prepareIndex("member", "Doe")
So in the before setUp() will be the following:
Check the data is ready
Also, we can use postman to do that.
We created two new Mark
and the yesterday Test
. Now we have 3 data.
Query the result
We will use QueryBuilders
to create a query.
Then, Using preareSearch()
to do the query.
You also can build a boolQuery()
In the end, please not forget to close the connection.
public void clearUp() {