(101) Pinterest

[Eng blog: Pinterest-3] How Pinterest Leverages Realtime User Actions in Recommendation to Boost Homefeed Engagement Volume

Arthur Lee
3 min readJan 15, 2023

🤗 Machine learning Engineer blog challenge (3/100)

Pinterest — 2022

How Pinterest Leverages Realtime User Actions in Recommendation to Boost Homefeed Engagement Volume | by Pinterest Engineering | Pinterest Engineering Blog | Medium

🤔 What problem do they solve?

他們想要找到一個single去抓出short-term user interest並且把它納入目前的Pins HomeFeed ranking model裡面,有了short-term user interest搭配ML application可以實現responsive的功能(app可以快速反應使用者的短期篇好,例如點了日本Feed,過幾秒刷新Feed,內容會多了日本Feed)

這邊的short-term也可以順便解決cold-user的問題,因為short-term代表只看少部分的資訊,而cold user剛好也只有少數資訊

以下是high level,HomeFeed怎麼ranking內容

以下是目前Ranking Model,可以看到他們想要多加”user sequence signal”

😎 Proposal solution: Realtime User Action Sequence

他們採取的作法是考慮到一個model taking realtime user action sequence

realtime user action sequence又包含了三個資訊: Action (click, skip, like), Item/Pin, time, 其中pin/item都有一個engaged pin embedding,而action可以做成action embedding,這樣一來就不用hard code action了,也剛好每個pin都有一個action

具體作法是把三個sequence (action embedding, engaged pin embedding sequence, candidate pin embedding)結合再一起,再跑一個encoder,最後在flatten,這方法是V1.0


而V1.1則是多了兩個步驟, 如下圖

  • 用了兩個transformer encoder (多用一個)
  • 用max pooling用在output上 取得long term interest,再取latest 10,如此一來只有11個 -> 減少output 方便feed into 其他model (DCN v2)

🤔 結果

More Sensitive Model

因為加入了recent information,導致model更sensitive (如下圖),可能原因在於focus on更短期更少數,更容易有noise

解決辦法是:retrain! 但是Retrain 不是個簡單的事情,尤其是對於production來說

Higher model serving latency

由於更複雜的signal加入, latency也增加了


Positive Feedback(Full Traffic)

當traffic持續變高,他們發現metric也正向成長,主要驅動來自於,model更sensitive recent,外加上retrain,產生正面循環

🤔 心得



另一方面, service infra支持也非常重要,像是最直接的如何serve更複雜的signal+model,是否infra支援這種latency,是否GPU容易serving?

再來是ML infra, 如何retrain,如果只更新user signal部分可以嗎?還是需要整個model都一起retrain?一起retrain花多少時間,stable or not?在其他engineer一起做AB testing時候,是否也要跟進retrain?

ML infra可能稍微複雜,每個公司operation可能也都不一樣

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🤩 Conference

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Arthur Lee
Arthur Lee

Written by Arthur Lee

An machine learning engineer in Bay Area in the United States

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