Podcast note: 21. Freelancers
1 min readJul 20, 2020
This blog is the note and review about the podcast for 21. 自由职业是生活的理想状态吗? in 疯投圈.
Property oh Freelancer
- no fixed work time
- responsible for self.
- small team ( or individual)
- easy pricing in the market
example of Freelancer
- Writer
- UI designer ( < 10 people team)
- some software engineers
Difference between China and the United States
- in USA, most people have their own URL
- in USA, it is easy for them to be freelancers, they do not need platform
- in USA, stripe can be a tool to launch the business
Career path
- First few year, people rely on the big title, big company name
- After few years, they can build their own brand
- What things can you bring from your companies, platform?
What is the sense of security
- more options
- backup plan
- less demand
- reason for life
- fixed place, fixed time schedule
- no free time to think next step
Humanity -> do nothing will make people nervous
AI for human future
Maybe in the future, people have much time because AI do most of jobs, the demand for Games, TV, movies will increase
Most people do not create, only 1% people create
My Note
This podcast is interesting! I think it is my favorite one for 疯投圈