Podcast note: 32. How to absorb information

Arthur Lee
2 min readJul 31, 2020

最近想改寫成中文版的 (有些中英夾雜)

This blog is the note and review about the podcast for 过载时代的信息修养— in 疯投圈.

Podcast link

information retrieval
  1. user actively search
  2. machine recommend based on user historical behavior
news source
  1. 華爾街見聞
  2. 財星股評
  3. feedly: RSS (google reader) 95% subscription English
Zhang Yiming think there are two types of human
  1. 少數: 追求效率 (需處理訊息 整理)
  2. 多數: 為某個東西把打轉 (沈迷 宗教, 明星, 愛情….)
  1. most immediate message -> Twitter
blogger type
  1. USA: they do not want to get cash from the blog,
  2. China: they want to get cash from the blog
推薦 or 關注?
  1. 知乎 (關注 -> 推薦 -> 關注)
  2. 今日頭條 (推薦)
  1. 比較難上手: need to organize the information
  2. twitter more decentralized -> 更平均
  1. 因為品味跟大眾不同
  2. 美劇case (3000 / 14e)=2% 同溫層
  3. 韓劇 (3e/ 14e) =21%
  4. 內容維度分層 是 比物質類更複雜 更主觀

品味小眾 可以做出大眾產品?

  1. 自己不碰該產品 但知道大家喜歡那樣產品 也是可以的



Arthur Lee
Arthur Lee

Written by Arthur Lee

An machine learning engineer in Bay Area in the United States

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