Podcast note: 33. E-Commerce in other countries
2 min readAug 2, 2020
This blog is the note and review about the podcast for 再谈出海电商的全球机遇— in 疯投圈.
- 日本中位數約44歲
- 美國中位數約38歲
- 中國中位數約38歲
- 印度中位數約28歲
Mobile Internet grows fast in India
- mobile grow fast in India
- India skip PC era and go to mobile internet era
- FB grows 4 times in India in 1 year due to the growth of mobile internet in India
- 80% 上網的人用mobile
payment approach in India
- 75% cash on shopping
物流比 payment更容易
- 資本密集
- 大電商都consider India market
- payment require consumers want to use (consumer behavior)
服裝供應商 之後會跑去東南亞?
- 第二名是歐盟
- 勞動力成本 佔 服裝行業成本 很低 (還有倉儲成本, 供應鏈協調能力)
- Zara (fashion industry -> change fast -> response fast -> supply chain in Euro)
- 服裝業最怕賣不出去 -> 最想優化庫存成本 -> 怕cash 短缺
- Youtube >> Facebook
- Since they have much more free time
- There, women are rich and only stay at home -> free time
- It is popular for clothing, they dress at home and they have big houses.
中東 v.s. 印度
- $70, 80 per bill
- human cost higher than India (they are rich, although most are from India)
- PC is popular than India, not only mobile
- women shopping and men pay
- young people
- energetic 創業家精神多
- many Chinese business, local business
越南 v.s. 泰國
- Vietnam is like China
- Thailand is more tourism, agriculture
- Most Asian countries become strong due to their industry (manufacturing)
- 中國工廠外遷首選越南
- 人口年齡中位數: Thailand 38 yr, Vietnam: 26 yr, China (36yr)
- Capita Vietnam (2566), Thailand (7,273)
- population: Thailand(69M), Vietnam(95M)
Indonesia, Philippines:
- population Indonesia(267M)
- but there are so many islands -> 物流成本高 (Philippines same)
- mobile network is hard to cover
potential growth for countries
- population
- medium of age
- infrastructure (mobile network, transportation) -> 印度 泰國 越南
- 巨頭佈局 -> America covers India more