Podcast note: 35. new consumer brand coming up
1 min readAug 9, 2020
This blog is the note and review about the podcast for 新消费品牌崛起大时代 — in 疯投圈.
Best product
- Apple, Dyson
- perfect product
- company think define the product
- focus on additional value
additional value
1. leading technology
2. history endowment (local history)
3. luxury (history & loyalty, culture)
4. emotional connection
target consumer
- less focus on CP value
- appearance & taking photo
Best Price
- Xiaomi
- focus on efficiency
Best overall solution
- Starbucks, Nike
日本 v.s. 歐洲
日本也有匠人文化 但也沒奢侈品
Apple target consumer
designer, composer
life style for common people long for