Podcast note: 8. About knowledge to Cash
This blog is the note and review about the podcast for 8. 专访小密圈吴鲁加 in 疯投圈.
Creator to cash flow
Creator build a group and fans have to pay admission fee to get into. In that group, like wechat group. But also can set up documents and the message is permanent.
cons in Weibo (open platform)
The celebrity will get noisy scold in this open platform. Decreasing the number of people would increase the quality.
Pros of this platform
Increasing the participation, asking questions to solve the problem
Success of this platform
Inviting a big guy is more important
Their opinion: the trend of forum
People become more self-cognition and they do not prefer to post the posts into open platform.
The difference between Zhihu and Xiaomiquan
Question based
People focus
Circle difference
topic based cycle
people based cycle
How do others think about it?