RecSys ’16: Local Item-Item Models for Top-N Recommendation

Arthur Lee
3 min readMay 2, 2020


Recommendation system paper challenge (11/50)

paper link


What problem do they solve?

A top-n recommendation system

What others solve this problem?

There are two main stream to solve this problem: content-based and collaborative filtering.

Most of researchers applied SVD family to solve this problem. The best one is SVD++, SLIM.

What model do they propose?

LGSLIM: combining global SLIM and local SLIM together.

g_u lies in [0, 1] control what ratio to use global SLIM (s_li) and local SLIM (s_pu_li).

global SLIM computed as the following formula:

more detail is in this paper

local SLIM computed as the following formula:

The local SLIM is similar with global SLIM, only difference is that model assign each user to k subsets and optimized the formula in the subset.

We may ask, how to decide the subset user assignment ?

They initialized the assignment with CLUTO algorithm.

They apply ALS (Alternating Least Square)

  • After they fixed the model, they update the user groups.
  • Fixed the user groups, they update the model parameters.

What data do they test?

What metric do they measure?

HR: hit rate

ARHR: average-reciprocal hit rank

Here is an example for ARHR:

If we have 2 users

first user hit on position 2

second user hit on position 4

ARHR = (1/2) * (1/2 + 1/4) = 3/8

What is their baseline model?

LSLIMr0: local SLIM without updating user group

LSLIM: local SLIM with updating user group

GLSLIMr0: GLSLIM without updating user group

The result

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Arthur Lee
Arthur Lee

Written by Arthur Lee

An machine learning engineer in Bay Area in the United States

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