RecSys ’18: HOP-Rec: High-Order Proximity for Implicit Recommendation
Recommendation system paper challenge (14/50)
What problem do they solve?
- Recommend good item to users
What model do they propose?
HOP-rec: high-order proximity for implicit recommendation
The basic idea is combining matrix factorization (MF), (factorizing the observed direct interactions between users and items) and Graph-based models, (extracts indirect preferences from the graphs constructed by user-item interactions).
For graph model part, they applied random walk (RW) to approximate the high-order probabilistic matrix factorization with confidence weighting C(K)
For factorization part, they applied pairwise logistic loss
Baseline Methods
Matrix Factorization (MF)
Bayesian Personalized Ranking (BPR)
Weighted Approximate-Rank Pairwise (WARP) loss
K-Order Statistic (K-OS) loss
Popularity-based Re-ranking (RP3 (β))
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